Saturday, April 19, 2008

Tagged... I'm it!

Wow, it takes me over a month to update with a single post and now you spring this TAG on me... this was really difficult to come up with 50 things about myself, I am going to get you back Nat!

1. My maiden name is Katie Marie Canick
2. Just celebrated my 2 year wedding anniversary last Monday (April 2nd).
3. My husband's name is Michael Kenneth Wood
4. I am a reality TV junkie
5. I became obsessed with Biggest Loser Couples
6. I find myself watching re-runs of past seasons of Biggest Loser on the style channel on Monday mornings.
7. I have a bachelors degree in Early Childhood and Elementary Education.
8. I work as a benefits administrator for cafeteria plans
9. I have a small horse named Goliath (not really it is my German Shepherd but close to the same size of a small horse)
10. I am terrible about getting my hair done... I go months inbetween colors!
11. I sleep on the right side of the bed...
12. My first car was a red 2 door Honda Civic
13. I drive a red 2 door Honda Civic- not the same one!
14. Gas was $.99 a gallon when I got my dirvers license
15. I hate to grocery shop... which is why i only go about once a month
16. I shave my legs every day
17. I still shave my arms ( highschool thing that I can't stop doing!)
18.I have the most amazing baby ever!
19. I never knew I could love something or someone so much
20. I was in labor for 20 hours with Mason
21. of the 20 hours 2 1/2 of that was pushing!
22. I gained 35 punds during my pregnancy, 5 of that was the last week when I got toxemia
23. I love spending time with my family
24. I don't have a favorite holiday
25. I am half way done with this dumb tag!
26. I love taking showers... hate to get ready after taking them!
27. I am a terrible blogger
28. I just got a promotion at work
29. I play co-ed softball with my husband
30.I like to do things outside when it is warm... not really into the cold weather
31. I like seafood
34. I want to see if anyone is really paying attention, so I skipped a few numbers!
36. I loved in Seattle for 3 years
37. I have a phobia of throwing up
38. I was born March 7, 1983
37. I never check my personal email, just my work one!
38. I can't dance!
39. I pretend I know how to golf... some days are better than others!
40. Mike hates to go golfing with me becasue he always plays terrible if I am there... I think I still make him nervous... just kidding
41. I worked at Gymboree for 3 years in college
42. I met my husband while working at Costco
43. I had 3 surgerys in 2 years... apendix, gallbladder and an adhesion removed, and have video footage of all 3!
44. My mom didn't believe my dad when he called to tell her that I had appendicitis and was having surgery that night... I had cleaned my aunt Connie's house that morning!
45. I went on a Hawaiian cruise for my honeymoon.
46. I always pick out my clothes for work the night before... otherwise I will make myself late in the morning.
47. In high school I used to write down what I wore everyday in my dayplanner so I wouldn't wear the same thing twice
48. I once took 9 shots of tequilla in less than an hour and didn't even get sick... that really shows that I am my fathers daughter... I don't know if that is something to be proud of (when it comes to drinking)!
49. Deep down I really want my next baby to be a girl! (but I would be just as happy with another boy... they just aren't nearly as fun to dress!)
50. I am never doing this again!

I am tagging my sister... Ashley! This is what you get for giving me so much shit about updating my blog! Have fun with this one!


The Ottosen Family said...

I'm so excited to see the updated pictures. I love that little boy! He's so stinkin' cute. I will cut your hair anytime! I'm on the floor as of Wednesday. Next week I will be there Mon-Sat. The next week I will be there Tues-Sat. Anytime!
How does Mike like his hair?


Thank you for updating. It's not really so much of a task if you just do it for 10 min every week. Do you think that working from home with two kids is any easier to update a blog? NOOOO! You've just got to do it to make the Mason fans happy! Thank you and no I don't want to be tagged, but thanks for sharing your 50 things - some of them I didn't know. See you tomorrow!

Jamie and Covie Gonzales said...

Cute family pic. Your baby is getting so big!