Saturday, September 25, 2010

How a Dragon Slayer Eats His Lunch

I came back from lunch yesterday and opened my email to find an email titled "How a dragon slayer eats his lunch", I thought to myself, oh this is going to be another one of those dumb forwards... was I surprised to find this picture as an attachment! Made my day!

It was then followed by the pose outside of the store window... for those of you who don't know Mason, he is very into himself and loves to see his reflection in anything that will refelct!

And this was the infamous "dippin' his sandwich"... this only happens when he is at gma Cher's!

You will also be happy to know that this getup came home with Mason yesterday, he wore all of it to the circus last night (we made him leave it in the car when we got there... didn't want people to think he was part of the show!) Wore it all the way home... even fell asleep in the car with it all on! And has been wearing it since the moment he woke up this morning. Needless to say this is the latest and greatest obsession that my child has! Thanks Cher!


gma said...

I knew he would wear it all night. He attempted to wear it when he napped yesterday but the helmet wouldn’t lay flat. I got more from the dollar store for the rest of the boys. Those stupid swords kept breaking off. Gma extraordinaire was able to fix them but I told the boys off with your heads if they break again!


Gma Cher always finds the best stuff at the dollar store! So does this mean that he's going to be a dragon slayer for Halloween? And P.S. that's a pretty large get-up to cart around everywhere. I might introduce him to a cape to wear or something more carseat comfortable! :) He's so cute!

Katie said...

Tell me about it... he wore it to the mall today and we already lost one of the arm's! Looks like I may need to make a trip to the dollar store to get another pair!! or not!!

The Ottosen Family said...

That really is the CUTEST thing I have ever seen! What a little stud muffin'!