Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Dear Mason...

Dear Mason,

Oh how I love you so much! I love your giggle, I love your obsessive personality, I love how you keep your eye on the ball! But there is one thing that I am not loving about you lately... and that is the way that you come crawl into bed with me in the wee hours of the morning and want to cuddle. Oh how I love to cuddle with you, just not at 2:oo AM and then again at 4:15 AM like you did this morning. There was a time when you were little that I yearned for the day that you would cuddle with me, but now that time has finally come, but I am wishing that you would choose to cuddle at more convenient times of the day! The exhaustion that I am feeling now is the same exhaustion that I felt the first 5 weeks of your life when I would wake up with you in the night... only difference between now and then is that I wasn't working during those first 5 weeks of your life when you would wake up in the night and I don't have a newborn! Please, Please, Please let me get a full night of uninterrupted sleep tonight, and every other night from here on out for that matter! I promise I will cuddle with you any other time, except for when I am trying to get my sleep!


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