Tuesday, August 4, 2009

mason monday

Yesterday I dropped Mason off at gma's house about 7:30 AM. Great gma answered the door. She went to gma's room to see if she was awake and "said, oh no she's sound asleep". OK... I sat Mason on the couch and turned on Elmo. A few minutes later gma, hearing the pitter patter of little feet and Mason's singing emerged groggy and well, she looked pretty bad :(. Gma got her cup of jo and took Mason out to the porch where they proceeded to read the wheels on the bus go round and round over and over. Mason having a short attention span wanted to rundown the street but gma was not quite ready for that sooo she got out the chalk and Mason had a great time coloring on the cement. Mason having a short attention span wanted to dig in the flower beds but gma not wanting the flowers dug up went to the garage, got some mulch, a couple of buckets and shovels and a wheel barrow . Mason glee fully moved dirt from one bucket to the other. And he was happy. Mason having a short attention span wanted to take his dirt for a walk so, gma wrapped in her blanket ('cause she only had on a shirt and underwear ) and carrying her mug ran after Mason yelling danger, danger. Mason having a short attention span then asked for linner. She asked, breakfast, no linner. Ok...so gma took Mason in the house where he proceeded to climb in the booster chair chanting for cerwal and shouting Whoo Hoo and m,m,mm,m. Now you must understand that Gma has had a lot of milk, yogurt, and bowls of cerwal, etc. dropped and thrown on her floor. So Gma had an ingenious idea. She took her favorite kid cup-that has a lid and straw attached, sawed off the end making a larger hole. Milk and cerwal flow easily through the straw which makes for far less food on clothes, floors and children. Mason having a short attention span wanted out of the booster chair and was no longer interested in Elmo or any other show and went looking for well, anything. He found Gilli and Gentry in the bedroom asleep where he joyfully squealed "are you tired?" over and over. Getting no response from the dead and having a short attention span went to great gma's room, knocked on the door and when she answered yelled "hi grandma". She loves it. I have to say...It doesn't get much cuter than this and Mason will be the first to tell you so ! I just thought I'd give you a run down of a 45 min. morning in the life of one GMA .

GMA, you're the BEST. Thanks Katie-DITTO).


alicia said...

WOW! Busy morning!

Katie said...

Tell me about it! I am so glad someone was there to blog about it becasue I was working! Thanks for the update Cher!